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Letter from the President of the DMO Marsannay - Bernard Bouvier

After several months of hard work and research, we have now gathered all the information necessary for our detailed website about the Marsannay DMO (ODG).

Now that the website is online, you will find all the geological information specific to the Marsannay appellation (including landscapes, soils, and subsoils), together with technical documents for all the place-names producing Marsannay wines, whether red, white, or rosé.

We have also retraced the history of the appellation, highlighting the people who have worked so hard to ensure that the Marsannay appellation receives the recognition it deserves.

As the appellation encompasses a great diversity of terroirs, each technical document provides a wealth of information, with tasting comments to help you find the best food and wine pairings.

We hope you will enjoy reading all about Marsannay wines.

Bernard Bouvier

President of the Defence and Management Organisation



Published on 22 March 2023